Ripple Foundation participant story
Discover how a Ripple Foundation participant became a volunteer, giving back to the programs that inspired them. Read their journey of creativity and leadership.

Christine Meng
Youth Team Lead (ON)
Since childhood, I’ve loved creating stories. In grade five, I discovered Ripple Foundation’s Kids Write 4 Kids Contest and eagerly submitted stories each year, hoping to get published.
Although I never won the KW4K contest, it motivated me to keep writing and sharing my stories. Even after two years of writer’s block, Ripple encouraged me to submit to other competitions and blogs. Six years later, writing remains one of my greatest passions. My first application to be part of the youth team for the Express Inspire Connect conference was rejected, but through Word on the Street, I met inspiring people who led me to opportunities like the Write-It Workshop and Wave Blog. Three years later, I’m proud to be Ontario Lead of the Youth Events Team, host workshops, and contribute regularly.
I’m deeply grateful to Ripple Foundation and the amazing people I’ve met for encouraging my writing and offering incredible experiences and support. I’m proud to be part of Ripple and excited to see it continue to grow and thrive.

Maddux Ma
Youth Team Supervisor
During the pandemic, I discovered Ripple Foundation’s Wave Blog, a platform for young writers to share experiences, favorite books, and advice. This opportunity helped me improve my writing skills while earning volunteer hours. The most impactful aspect was connecting with fellow writers and learning about their diverse backgrounds.
After a break to explore other interests, I reconnected with Ripple Foundation through their virtual conference, Express Inspire Connect. The idea of a youth-led event intrigued me, leading me to volunteer as the Youth Events team lead to organizes the annual conference. I’m now in University and is a Youth Team Supervisor where I provide guidence to the youth team lead.
This role has been immensely rewarding, enhancing my leadership, research, and time management skills. I cherish collaborating with new people and my team to launch this significant event. My goal is to inspire peers to achieve daunting tasks through perseverance and teamwork.

Bhanvi Girdhar
Workshop Facilitator
Reading captivated me from a young age, naturally leading me to explore writing opportunities. My passion for writing led me to discover the Ripple Foundation, where I entered the Kids Write 4 Kids (KW4K) contest and participated in the Write It Workshops for grades 4-8. These experiences connected me with like-minded individuals who shared my love for reading, writing, and creativity. Later, I began volunteering with Ripple and contributing to the Wave Blog for grades 8-12.
Now, as a workshop facilitator, I can give back and help foster the same passion in a new generation of writers. The workshops enrich both facilitators and participants, fostering creativity and confidence. Ripple Foundation initiatives like the KW4K contest, Wave Blog, and Write It Workshops inspire and amplify young voices. I’m grateful to Ripple for nurturing my journey and its dedication to empowering youth through literacy and creativity.

Shadi Ahmadian
Grant Writer/Researcher
I discovered my love for writing in high school with the help of some incredibly thoughtful and influential English teachers.However, the topics were often limited to book or movie analysis. I wanted more freedom in my writing, which I found through the Ripple Foundation. Working with Ivy and writing for the foundation was incredibly fulfilling, offering a creative outlet outside academic constraints.
As I transitioned to studying Medical Science at Western, I missed writing beyond lab reports. With my experience working with youth, I decided to volunteer more permanently as a grant researcher/writer at Ripple.
Many organizations don’t focus on literacy and creativity like Ripple does. In school, most of my friends disliked English due to its restrictive nature. Ripple allows youth to express their passions freely through writing, whether on the Wave Blog or in workshops. Volunteering here, even in a small way, is incredibly fulfilling for me.